
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CalendarPeriodHierarchyDimension
Physical Name : ETL_DW3_DIM_CA_HIER

This table identifies and defines a calendar hierarchy. This hierarchy allows retailers to arrange time periods into days, weeks, months, quarters, seasons, years or other named time intervals that have their beginning and ending points synchronized so lower level periods always begin and end within their parent period starting and ending points.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CalendarID (PK) A unique system assigned identifier for the Calendar. ID_CLD Identity int
BusinessDayDate (PK) The calendar date of the BusinessDay. DC_DY_BSN DateCalendar date
CalendarName The name of the Calendar NM_CLD Name varchar(40)
ParentLevelID A unique system assigned identifier for the CalendarLevel. ID_CLD_LV_PRNT Identity int
ChildPeriodID A unique system assigned identifier for this CalendarPeriod ID_CLD_PRD_CHLD Identity int
CalendarPeriodHierarchyIDTreePath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of calendar period ID's for a calendar period hierarchy. CLD_PRD_ID_TREE_PTH String varchar(4000)
CalendarPeriodHierarchyLevelPath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of calendar period hierarchy level numbers for a calendar period hierarchy. CLD_PRD_LVL_PTH String varchar(4000)
CalendarPeriodHierarchyLevelNamePath A pipe delimited, bottom up (left to right) list of calendar period hierarchy level names for a calendar period hierarchy CLD_PRD_LVL_NM_PTH String varchar(4000)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CalendarPeriodHierarchyDimension designates calendar period for RetailTransasctionLineItemCalendarPeriodAssociation

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